A Total Water Solution for Industry

Water is critical in all industries. Not only is water an increasing cost, but its quality can have a huge impact on some of your most energy intensive processes.

A.H.Corporation has over 10 years of experience as a trusted source of  industrial water treatment solutions.

Covering a wide range of industries our references include the food and beverage, oil & gas, energy & power, healthcare/ hospitals/ bio-pharmaceutical, and manufacturing sectors.

Industrial Water Treatment Applications

Raw Water Pre-Treatment

Wherever your raw water comes from; Well, borehole, surface water, river water, sea water, recycled waste streams or potable water from the municipal supply, good pre-treatment is essential to protect your downstream processes and save costs.

Raw water often contains a wide range of water contaminants such as suspended solids, organics, hardness, heavy metals such as manganese, iron, lead and arsenic. All of which must be removed or reduced before introducing the water into your processes.

A.H.Corporation offers a number of technologies designed specifically to treat raw water including media filtration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical dosing and disinfection systems.

Cooling Water Treatment

Wherever your raw water comes from; Well, borehole, surface water, river water, sea water, recycled waste streams or potable water from the municipal supply, good pre-treatment is essential to protect your downstream processes and save costs.

Raw water often contains a wide range of water contaminants such as suspended solids, organics, hardness, heavy metals such as manganese, iron, lead and arsenic. All of which must be removed or reduced before introducing the water into your processes.

A.H.Corporation offers a number of technologies designed specifically to treat raw rater including media filtration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical dosing and disinfection systems.

Boiler Water Treatment

A.H.Corporation offers a wide range of options for boiler feedwater treatment including softeners and reverse osmosis units for low pressure boilers and demineralization units for higher pressure boilers. A.H.Corporation boiler water solutions will help you:

  • Reduce your environmental impact by lowering blowdown discharge
  • Prevent unscheduled downtime from corrosion failures
  • Ensure energy efficiencies of heat transfer surfaces by preventing scale buildup

Process Water Treatment

A.H.Corporation are able to supply water treatment systems designed to your processes specific needs.

Water recycling / reuse

By recovering water used throughout the industrial process, treating it to the highest standards and reintroducing it back into the system, water usage can be significantly reduced lowering your water footprint and helping you save water, energy costs and the environment.

Waste Water Treatment

A.H.Corporation offer a number of waste water solutions for industry. Contact us for more details.

Created by: Softify Development Co.