
Your Highway to Competitive Advantage

We take care of total water needs for the entire manufacturing complex, on a turnkey basis. Our solutions for process water and effluent treatment/recycle ensure requisite quality of water, reduce requirement of fresh water providing security against water shortages, and minimize waste ensuring compliance with discharge norms.

Our Range Includes:

  • Water treatment for process use and canteen/drinking water
  • Boiler and cooling water chemical treatment programmer
  • Treatment & recycle of effluent from various shops, water blow down and utility waste to achieve zero discharge
  • Oily waste treatment
  • Packaged vehicle wash recycle systems
  • Comprehensive O&M for complete water systems
  • 24/7 service support
  • Supply of consumables like ion exchange resins, membranes, water treatment chemicals, antiscalants and critical spares


  • Lower water consumption per vehicle/component
  • Lower cost of ownership & operations and higher ROI
  • Superior quality of finish
  • Reduced/zero discharge of pollutants
  • Negligible water wastage during washing
  • Assurance against water shortages

Created by: Softify Development Co.